lately, there are two tunes that are kept inside in my head where 1 is jay chao 我不配 (i don't match u)... think this should b the translation, and the other is a damn freaking lame yet easy to get song named cialat by local band named ben's bitches...
so finally i added sth new in the blog so u guys can try listen the tune i listen...
so hope u guys enjoy... especially cialat where u hardly hear it... lol... beware... as this song is really cialat one....
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Sunday, April 27, 2008
I can write a sajak? I also dunno how i did it...
My bro was rushing on an assignment for geography and he had a choice of writing a sajak, draw a some pic with dunno what given title or built a 3D model of an island. The last was passed as he dun hv the freaking time to make one. While drawing, he practically sucked. He shown me a pic he drew n planned 2 submit it the next day and i say u can die submitting that in as it was real bad untill my primary bro can beat that... it was done simply.... while his dun even hv an idea how 2 write the sajak, turn out to be i wrote this...( I dun even know the format of writing one sajak n io came up with one? geng leh? hahahaha... below is the sajak.. so try look at it n tell me how is it...hehehe....
Sayangi Bumi Kita by me !!
Keluhan bumi yang semakin kuat,
Pada masa yang sama, semakin lemah,
Di mana bumi tercinta kita menjerit kesakitan yang dia alami.
Kesakitan yang dialami bumi juga dirasai oleh kita,
Dimana kepanasan yang semakin meningkat,
Hangat terasa,
Ini disebabkan oleh aktiviti manusia yang lalai,
Menghasilkan asap-asap yang beracun,
Sehingga perisai bumi semakin menghilang.
Dimana kejernihan air sungai semakin keruh,
Kotor terasa,
Ini disebabkan oleh sikap pentingkan diri manusia,
Yang membuang sampah dan sisa toksik ke dalamnya semata-mata kesenangan,
Sehingga keanggunan sungai bagai berlian tidak kelihatan.
Dimana bilangan pokok semakin berkurangan,
Hilang terasa,
Ini disebabkan oleh ketamakan manusia,
Yang menghauskan sumber-sumber kaya bumi kita tanpa berfikir dalam,
Sehingga flora, fauna, dan alam semulajadi, semakin pudar dan pupus.
Terdengarkah manusia? Terasakah manusia? Sedarkah manusia?
Jangan lagi merosakkan bumi tercinta ini,
Memberhentikan aktiviti-aktiviti yang dikeji ini,
Hargailah kurniaan Tuhan yang berharga ini,
Bersama berusaha memulihkan bumi tercinta kita yang cedera parah ini.
can't believe i actually wrote this...
Sayangi Bumi Kita by me !!
Keluhan bumi yang semakin kuat,
Pada masa yang sama, semakin lemah,
Di mana bumi tercinta kita menjerit kesakitan yang dia alami.
Kesakitan yang dialami bumi juga dirasai oleh kita,
Dimana kepanasan yang semakin meningkat,
Hangat terasa,
Ini disebabkan oleh aktiviti manusia yang lalai,
Menghasilkan asap-asap yang beracun,
Sehingga perisai bumi semakin menghilang.
Dimana kejernihan air sungai semakin keruh,
Kotor terasa,
Ini disebabkan oleh sikap pentingkan diri manusia,
Yang membuang sampah dan sisa toksik ke dalamnya semata-mata kesenangan,
Sehingga keanggunan sungai bagai berlian tidak kelihatan.
Dimana bilangan pokok semakin berkurangan,
Hilang terasa,
Ini disebabkan oleh ketamakan manusia,
Yang menghauskan sumber-sumber kaya bumi kita tanpa berfikir dalam,
Sehingga flora, fauna, dan alam semulajadi, semakin pudar dan pupus.
Terdengarkah manusia? Terasakah manusia? Sedarkah manusia?
Jangan lagi merosakkan bumi tercinta ini,
Memberhentikan aktiviti-aktiviti yang dikeji ini,
Hargailah kurniaan Tuhan yang berharga ini,
Bersama berusaha memulihkan bumi tercinta kita yang cedera parah ini.
can't believe i actually wrote this...
Thursday, April 24, 2008
TRUE ME? Quite true ... I think...
The True You |
![]() You want your girlfriend or boyfriend to be more relaxed, calm, and composed. With respect to money, you save for a rainy day. You think good luck doesn't exist - reality is built on practicalities. The hidden side of your personality tends to be satisfied to care for things with a minimal amount of effort. You are tend to think about others' feelings a lot, perhaps because you are so eager to be liked. When it comes to finding a romantic partner, you will search and search until you find your perfect match. |
so many things happened....
Walau... was so freaking busy till i don't really have the time to blog... so many things to tell as there is so many things that i went through....
Within one week time i think i edi flung 2 paper, SHIT....and am going 2 be in deep shit for this...
then is the part where i went to zoo for the volunteery work last sunday is the part that is the fun and memorable part. It was awesome and much better than paying for your tickets to get to view the zoo. As a volunteer, we have 2 do some work for some time, but after that everything worth it. As we get to see so many behind the scenes things and get so close with the animals. At first i was hoping i can be assigned to the mammals but i was assigned to the creepy reptile world. And as we walked in, we saw so many snakes in the staff room. All in their own cage ler definitely.Big to small long to short, you name it u get it. Then, after that we were split into 3 groups and i were in the group to clean the place of a fella named water monitor.It was not easy getting in as there is no door into the cage, we need to use a ladder to climb down into their 'residential area'. The main task was to clean the place, where means we have to gather the dried leaves and clean the dirt at the drain there. Sriram, my senior and i was the who fella who did the hard core job where we practically were scooping pile of dirt with the smell of their 'discharge', while su ying was the main cleaner on land. The dirt was not friendly and i was glad with my decision of changing into the boots provided to us as my white who would have been gone . Sriram was feeling the same too..
While we were working, i was wondering where is this water monitor fella as i don't see them anywhere when i got into their home. The zoo keeper told us that there are 2 of them in the cage and told us that these fella are very cowardly fellas therefore not to worry that they will attack us and juz ask us to be steady and not to scare ourselves when it try to run away from us as they are more scare of us compared to how we are scared of them. I only found 1 of them lying at the lower part of the trees sleeping or observing us from there when we were cleaning. Didn't even moved a muscle and laid there all the time. Was a bit shocked when i found him as i saw him accidentally when i was cleaning. Then, as what normal human would do, we remain a distance from the fella. Yet, we were wondering where is the other one as we found one edi. around 60% work done, Sriram found the second one where it is sleeping soundly in the pond.
After the, great hardwork 1, we get a 15 min break and moving to our second task. I was astonished to see the resident of the 2nd cage as it was the giant tortoise and they are huge, very huge; very old too.They are the 2nd largest species of the tortoise in the world. We were so excited to see them at 1st as its different form the 1st job where we dun dare to get near the water monitor; tortoise was hugged n rubbed by us as we reached there. We bathed them and polished their shell with cooking oil, yes cooking oil, to make their shell look sparkling clean. During the bath, one of the macho male tortoise was making poo fresh in front of sriram and the expression of sriram was priceless looking at those eyes popping out when he saw.
I missed the scene as i was working at the front of the tortoise back then. We then swept the dry leaves n collected the poos and it was many of them lying here n there. gladly, no one accidentally stepped on them, the poos. Also, we can conclude that the male tortoise is a food picker as they eat only the sweet food like banana, papaya, and carrot. When i bring the cabbage to their mouth, they shut it tight ,not opening it. They open the mouth again when u bring the sweet food again to them.However the female was very obedient and ate everything we gave her including veggie slowly. The other 3 males were eating aggressively n rushing on their food as they like take 2 big bites and everything finished. The female takes small bites. Thanks to the aggresive males, he bit one of my fingers and i was lucky to get it out quick, couldn't imagine what happened if i let it chew. He might break my finger as they do eat crabs , written in the intro poster. We did some cam whoring there but i haven't get my hands on the pic from my frens. Will try to get it ASAP.
Thats it. All the work done. and we get to a back door tour in the zoo, as we get to see so many animals and fed them.We were so close to a giraffe, zebra,antelope so many more... we get to play with the snake - the python, she is a tame snake so it was practically harmless like the snake we normally see used as the decorative in photo shooting. dunno what to say... i will let the pic do the rest of talking and will get it ASAP.
on the road back, the buss met with a slight collision with a Wira where the Wira tried to overtake the bus from the left as the bus was moving towards its own lane, the left lane. The bus driver juz go on after the minor collision without thinking of stopping as we can't stop in a small road like that. Then, the wira which were caught up to the front of the bus and stopped in the middle of the road, coming down with a pedal lock on his hand looking very mad and whacked the bus door. The uncle who was the driver was very casual, cool and calm. He was pouring a cup of tea to drink while the fella was seeking trouble. He insisted not to open the door and ask the fella to take down the relevant info that he wants on the bus and ask the fella to report. As the uncle noe that the one violating the law is that fella. We were supporting the uncle and says that if the fella really wants to cari pasal, we have 20 sth guys to back him up, so no worries.He reply no need as if there were nth at all... was very the uncle's way of handing things...
Then got a bit of achievement in ping-pong as i learnt a lot of new things and getting better then last time... i was a horrible player last time.... very horrible...
Then, the salsa class finally finished the whole set of steps of salsa and we were now requested to now dance on music with a faster beat and we practically screwed up at the 1st trial and getting the hang of it edi... for my case, i was a freaking bad dance partner as i always forget the dance steps and not really good at leading the partner as she was newbie where she came to class after we learnt 1/2 of all the steps. So can't blame her, while I on the other hand leading her 2 some fantasy world.T.T(a lot more to learn for me....)
That should b all... i think...oh ya.. its passed 12am edi so, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Kar Yie...sleepy edi... its 230am and i hvn't sleep... die.... tomorrow computing lecture somemore... 100% K.O. lor.... kk ciaoz...
Within one week time i think i edi flung 2 paper, SHIT....and am going 2 be in deep shit for this...
then is the part where i went to zoo for the volunteery work last sunday is the part that is the fun and memorable part. It was awesome and much better than paying for your tickets to get to view the zoo. As a volunteer, we have 2 do some work for some time, but after that everything worth it. As we get to see so many behind the scenes things and get so close with the animals. At first i was hoping i can be assigned to the mammals but i was assigned to the creepy reptile world. And as we walked in, we saw so many snakes in the staff room. All in their own cage ler definitely.Big to small long to short, you name it u get it. Then, after that we were split into 3 groups and i were in the group to clean the place of a fella named water monitor.It was not easy getting in as there is no door into the cage, we need to use a ladder to climb down into their 'residential area'. The main task was to clean the place, where means we have to gather the dried leaves and clean the dirt at the drain there. Sriram, my senior and i was the who fella who did the hard core job where we practically were scooping pile of dirt with the smell of their 'discharge', while su ying was the main cleaner on land. The dirt was not friendly and i was glad with my decision of changing into the boots provided to us as my white who would have been gone . Sriram was feeling the same too..
While we were working, i was wondering where is this water monitor fella as i don't see them anywhere when i got into their home. The zoo keeper told us that there are 2 of them in the cage and told us that these fella are very cowardly fellas therefore not to worry that they will attack us and juz ask us to be steady and not to scare ourselves when it try to run away from us as they are more scare of us compared to how we are scared of them. I only found 1 of them lying at the lower part of the trees sleeping or observing us from there when we were cleaning. Didn't even moved a muscle and laid there all the time. Was a bit shocked when i found him as i saw him accidentally when i was cleaning. Then, as what normal human would do, we remain a distance from the fella. Yet, we were wondering where is the other one as we found one edi. around 60% work done, Sriram found the second one where it is sleeping soundly in the pond.
After the, great hardwork 1, we get a 15 min break and moving to our second task. I was astonished to see the resident of the 2nd cage as it was the giant tortoise and they are huge, very huge; very old too.They are the 2nd largest species of the tortoise in the world. We were so excited to see them at 1st as its different form the 1st job where we dun dare to get near the water monitor; tortoise was hugged n rubbed by us as we reached there. We bathed them and polished their shell with cooking oil, yes cooking oil, to make their shell look sparkling clean. During the bath, one of the macho male tortoise was making poo fresh in front of sriram and the expression of sriram was priceless looking at those eyes popping out when he saw.
I missed the scene as i was working at the front of the tortoise back then. We then swept the dry leaves n collected the poos and it was many of them lying here n there. gladly, no one accidentally stepped on them, the poos. Also, we can conclude that the male tortoise is a food picker as they eat only the sweet food like banana, papaya, and carrot. When i bring the cabbage to their mouth, they shut it tight ,not opening it. They open the mouth again when u bring the sweet food again to them.However the female was very obedient and ate everything we gave her including veggie slowly. The other 3 males were eating aggressively n rushing on their food as they like take 2 big bites and everything finished. The female takes small bites. Thanks to the aggresive males, he bit one of my fingers and i was lucky to get it out quick, couldn't imagine what happened if i let it chew. He might break my finger as they do eat crabs , written in the intro poster. We did some cam whoring there but i haven't get my hands on the pic from my frens. Will try to get it ASAP.
Thats it. All the work done. and we get to a back door tour in the zoo, as we get to see so many animals and fed them.We were so close to a giraffe, zebra,antelope so many more... we get to play with the snake - the python, she is a tame snake so it was practically harmless like the snake we normally see used as the decorative in photo shooting. dunno what to say... i will let the pic do the rest of talking and will get it ASAP.
on the road back, the buss met with a slight collision with a Wira where the Wira tried to overtake the bus from the left as the bus was moving towards its own lane, the left lane. The bus driver juz go on after the minor collision without thinking of stopping as we can't stop in a small road like that. Then, the wira which were caught up to the front of the bus and stopped in the middle of the road, coming down with a pedal lock on his hand looking very mad and whacked the bus door. The uncle who was the driver was very casual, cool and calm. He was pouring a cup of tea to drink while the fella was seeking trouble. He insisted not to open the door and ask the fella to take down the relevant info that he wants on the bus and ask the fella to report. As the uncle noe that the one violating the law is that fella. We were supporting the uncle and says that if the fella really wants to cari pasal, we have 20 sth guys to back him up, so no worries.He reply no need as if there were nth at all... was very the uncle's way of handing things...
Then got a bit of achievement in ping-pong as i learnt a lot of new things and getting better then last time... i was a horrible player last time.... very horrible...
Then, the salsa class finally finished the whole set of steps of salsa and we were now requested to now dance on music with a faster beat and we practically screwed up at the 1st trial and getting the hang of it edi... for my case, i was a freaking bad dance partner as i always forget the dance steps and not really good at leading the partner as she was newbie where she came to class after we learnt 1/2 of all the steps. So can't blame her, while I on the other hand leading her 2 some fantasy world.T.T(a lot more to learn for me....)
That should b all... i think...oh ya.. its passed 12am edi so, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Kar Yie...sleepy edi... its 230am and i hvn't sleep... die.... tomorrow computing lecture somemore... 100% K.O. lor.... kk ciaoz...
Thursday, April 17, 2008
BZ BZ week....
It was a very very busy week as my group was practically rushing an assignment of building a bungee jumping tower which hv a time span of 1mth within one week....
Practically, this results to minimum sleeps as i was sleeping at 3, 4 am every night almost for one week... am i over exagerating? but luckily it is done and over... so relived...but the mood was dropped back ti anither low point as i was not able to even understand the question for today's electrical exam.... am going 2 die soon in electrical at this rate... very horribly...was feeling like suiciding after i walk out from the exam hall.... so stressed...ARGH..... so so so 'mm gam yun'!!!!
Then there is a blog i read from a fren n it was a very true thing and made me think a lot, I always think that i am so 'cham' edi.. and now i realised how lucky i am and yet i never realised it... i hate myself after reading it, as how can i be so unappreciated about everything i had... never appreciated and still say that it is annoying... taking things 4 granted. So guys, please do read this as this is a good reminder 4 all of us. Also, Never give up in life... live it no matter how bad it is...
This is the link.
All the condolences, and continue stand strong ... u made me learnt a lot of things....
Practically, this results to minimum sleeps as i was sleeping at 3, 4 am every night almost for one week... am i over exagerating? but luckily it is done and over... so relived...but the mood was dropped back ti anither low point as i was not able to even understand the question for today's electrical exam.... am going 2 die soon in electrical at this rate... very horribly...was feeling like suiciding after i walk out from the exam hall.... so stressed...ARGH..... so so so 'mm gam yun'!!!!
Then there is a blog i read from a fren n it was a very true thing and made me think a lot, I always think that i am so 'cham' edi.. and now i realised how lucky i am and yet i never realised it... i hate myself after reading it, as how can i be so unappreciated about everything i had... never appreciated and still say that it is annoying... taking things 4 granted. So guys, please do read this as this is a good reminder 4 all of us. Also, Never give up in life... live it no matter how bad it is...
This is the link.
All the condolences, and continue stand strong ... u made me learnt a lot of things....
Monday, April 07, 2008
MIX rojak feeling.... up and down of life.....really lost....
Flashing back... this should be an entry on 4th, technically speaking should b 5th as it is after midnight.... but many obstacles...including a black out... will tell later....
Its the Monash Culture Night and i managed to sneak in without a ticket so shh.... keep it low profile... hehehehe....
The performance was great....real great song performed by the singers and band...quite enjoyed the whole thing but there was one bit bored ler....Also the fashion show is an eye opener as u really see many different clothing from all over the world. but there is sonething thing that shocked me that night... they actually gave free flying tickets to colombo, sri lanka for the lucky draw. Wah, how they manage to get the sponsors like that? Also at there, manage to see her again....XD... is it me being perasaan? or am i falling for her? am i? so lost....but really hope to noe her more.... as i am a quite conseravative guy (is it?) i do hope that i am not falling for because of her looks but the inner beauty of her... but indeed instinctively i can tell she is... juz hope that can go confront her and talk to her but am stunned when like with her ler... dunno what 2 talk...always use the same excuse...felt real stupid...hahaha...but am really hope can noe her better....hehehe
Then, at the same night, went to KFC with friends and double park at out the side and was thinking of we will take away and be gone in few minutes, but at the end we sat down and wat n chat. I really forgot that i double park and when i came back, i was wondering how come the car i blocked is missing and it became terrified when i found out that the car headlamp was broken. I was like what to do? Shit... I am going to be in deep shit already... and came back with a real low feeling. Juz great... why me? then i also blame myself how come i am so careless and stupid.
Feeling like strangling myself.
Then, when i was confessing to my father the next day, there was a black out. Then, my dad was rushing to go out that day, so it turns to be a short n not heavy lecture from him. was so relieved that it was over. However, i was not that lucky as my dad hold on me and sounded me for what i did on the other day... and it is not fun...
Then today, family is getting really tense and really feel hard and heavy, coming back home. Its really hard for me, really feeling like running away... but i know that it is not the solution. Then assignment deadline are pouring in soon and many things not done yet so i am like i am in deep trouble.
Real mix of feeling here as everything came in one shot...hahaha...
Anyway, sleepy edi better go sleep ler... also wish me luck things can get better soon.
Its the Monash Culture Night and i managed to sneak in without a ticket so shh.... keep it low profile... hehehehe....
The performance was great....real great song performed by the singers and band...quite enjoyed the whole thing but there was one bit bored ler....Also the fashion show is an eye opener as u really see many different clothing from all over the world. but there is sonething thing that shocked me that night... they actually gave free flying tickets to colombo, sri lanka for the lucky draw. Wah, how they manage to get the sponsors like that? Also at there, manage to see her again....XD... is it me being perasaan? or am i falling for her? am i? so lost....but really hope to noe her more.... as i am a quite conseravative guy (is it?) i do hope that i am not falling for because of her looks but the inner beauty of her... but indeed instinctively i can tell she is... juz hope that can go confront her and talk to her but am stunned when like with her ler... dunno what 2 talk...always use the same excuse...felt real stupid...hahaha...but am really hope can noe her better....hehehe
Then, at the same night, went to KFC with friends and double park at out the side and was thinking of we will take away and be gone in few minutes, but at the end we sat down and wat n chat. I really forgot that i double park and when i came back, i was wondering how come the car i blocked is missing and it became terrified when i found out that the car headlamp was broken. I was like what to do? Shit... I am going to be in deep shit already... and came back with a real low feeling. Juz great... why me? then i also blame myself how come i am so careless and stupid.
Feeling like strangling myself.
Then, when i was confessing to my father the next day, there was a black out. Then, my dad was rushing to go out that day, so it turns to be a short n not heavy lecture from him. was so relieved that it was over. However, i was not that lucky as my dad hold on me and sounded me for what i did on the other day... and it is not fun...
Then today, family is getting really tense and really feel hard and heavy, coming back home. Its really hard for me, really feeling like running away... but i know that it is not the solution. Then assignment deadline are pouring in soon and many things not done yet so i am like i am in deep trouble.
Real mix of feeling here as everything came in one shot...hahaha...
Anyway, sleepy edi better go sleep ler... also wish me luck things can get better soon.
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Quite an active life lately
Would like to make this entry short as i dun really have much to say...hahaha...
Lately, I way too active in all the activities at campus. (Is this good or bad?) maybe neglecting the academic side of uni. Works piling up and really need to start work now... so better focus...hehehe...
then, recently was exposed with the dance lessons i wished for but i kinda find out i am not a good dancer as i pick things slow.... Really hope that i can master the steps soon...XD...and not forget it...
ping pong that i juz picked up is getting slightly better than the old me when i started.... Thinking back to it, it was horrible the way I started playing.... its 'unlookable' Today, thanks to the class canceled I finally able to join the performing arts club activity that clashed with it. Then turn out to be, only the dance session is the part i learnt the most and the rest is like so so where the important skills haven't set in yet.
Then, the main event of the day, April Fool....( :D ...
As the playful and naughty me, i would not let this precious chance to slip away juz that... and at the end of the day, i actually fooled more than 20 sth ppl... mayb 30....hehehe....can't blame... i am playful....hahaha....sorry if i actually offended anyone on the jokes i made but i really hv no bad intentions other than share some small jokes to cheer up the day. So no harsh feelings....
really need to get the co-parents our daughter to gather and write the letter i badly wanted to get it for out daughter....till now i still haven't get the chance to say hi to her leh...T.T....really need to take action soon...
Last but not least, am here also want to wish Happy birthday to my maid, Tina, Eu Yang and Jun Yuan....Happy Birthday!!! may all ur wishes and dreams come true.
Lately, I way too active in all the activities at campus. (Is this good or bad?) maybe neglecting the academic side of uni. Works piling up and really need to start work now... so better focus...hehehe...
then, recently was exposed with the dance lessons i wished for but i kinda find out i am not a good dancer as i pick things slow.... Really hope that i can master the steps soon...XD...and not forget it...
ping pong that i juz picked up is getting slightly better than the old me when i started.... Thinking back to it, it was horrible the way I started playing.... its 'unlookable' Today, thanks to the class canceled I finally able to join the performing arts club activity that clashed with it. Then turn out to be, only the dance session is the part i learnt the most and the rest is like so so where the important skills haven't set in yet.
Then, the main event of the day, April Fool....( :D ...
As the playful and naughty me, i would not let this precious chance to slip away juz that... and at the end of the day, i actually fooled more than 20 sth ppl... mayb 30....hehehe....can't blame... i am playful....hahaha....sorry if i actually offended anyone on the jokes i made but i really hv no bad intentions other than share some small jokes to cheer up the day. So no harsh feelings....
really need to get the co-parents our daughter to gather and write the letter i badly wanted to get it for out daughter....till now i still haven't get the chance to say hi to her leh...T.T....really need to take action soon...
Last but not least, am here also want to wish Happy birthday to my maid, Tina, Eu Yang and Jun Yuan....Happy Birthday!!! may all ur wishes and dreams come true.
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